I’m not done exploring funny uses of Github Actions, ok.

Part I was how to run a web backend using GitHub Actions. This is Part II.

TLDR » You can use GitHub Actions to track your web analytics for free!! sorta.


  • I don’t know
  • cause you can.

Also, it’s fun. And finally, GitHub Actions should have some way of running backend code (called/triggered by web? anonymous users?) because that would be so great, but that’s just my take. give us web code server hosting already.

How does it work?

  • your frontend javascript code pings the GitHub API and asks it to run a workflow
    • YES, you will need to encode your personal access token in your frontend
    • YES, GitHub says to not do that
    • YES, you should not do that
    • BUT, you can set your personal access token to “”””"”only”””” have the actions:write permissions on a single repo, and, as far as I can tell, someone could mess with your analytics very lightly by disabling your workflow (i.e. turning it off), but they couldn’t … do… other. terrible. things. I think. I’m pretty sure! Like, 70% sure.
    • the code on the frontend looks like this.
  • GitHub Actions will receive the request to run the workflow from the frontend and comply
  • the GitHub Actions workflow file is this one. you need to add this workflow file to your repo.
  • the workflow file will create a .json file for the web request under .logs and commit that to your repo

Pros / Cons


  • this should never be used in production by anyone.
  • personal access tokens are… probably not okay to publish on frontend web sites.
  • your repo will be littered with .json files for every web request
    • ((were I to continue pursuing this - and I won’t - I would create a second workflow that runs every 5 minutes, and merges all of the log json files into a single file, as a sort of map/reduce.))


  • you never have to login to Google Analytics again
